Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Ramblin' Pizza Man

So I don't know why its taken me so long to post about Alex.  He is a man of so many stories!  Alex is definitely the most precocious of all of the kids. He is constantly in motion and hears and sees EVERYTHING.  Alex is a terrific big brother (mostly) and can be the sweetest, most nurturing big brother to both Junior and Noe.  He definitely looks out for them even though he's terribly jealous and wants to ensure he gets everything they get (every crumb, every bit of attention, etc.)
Alex knows no stranger!  He is so outgoing and runs to hug nearly everyone he meets.  Although sometimes his lack of boundaries can be a bit awkward - like when he was hugging on the people looking at the house next door (it helped us keep our current neighbors in place a little longer though!) I think most people generally love his hugs and sweetness.  And Alex will talk to anyone and ask anything as well.  Hence, part of his nickname...The Ramblin' Pizza Man.  
This nickname was given to Alex by Rob's father.  And Ramblin' is partially his constant talking but also his always being in motion (ramblin' about the house).  And then Alex's favorite food in the world...that I believe he'd eat for every meal is Pizza!  And because the nickname is unique and something he does not have to share he is quite found of it.  Back in the Spring when Alex was spending every afternoon with Rob's parents   if you would ask him to stop talking for a moment he'd respond by saying "But, Mom, I can't...I'm the Ramblin' Pizza Man"!  And who can argue with that logic?  

  Alex is smart enough to apply this kind of logic to any situation because of his incredible memory.  This boy remembers EVERYTHING!  And lately his skill for memorizing the things we say to him seems to come back to haunt us.  I will hear him repeating my words while pretending with Junior and Noe or he will quote the back to us with such innocence that is hard to do anything but laugh.  
I sure hope he carries this skill with him to school which he starts in just a few weeks.  Kindergarten/Big School!  WOW!!! I've spent the last half of preschool worrying about the transition but this Summer has been good and, although I know there will be bumps along the way, I am feeling more and more confident that he will have a good year.  I just hope his curious nature will pay off.  Lately, he's been asking how to spell things and seems to express a general interest in learning.  So if he can just focus long enough I know he's a sponge and will soak it all in.
Speaking of transitions...just last night he rode his bike without training wheels for the first time.  We've been encouraging him for months and felt he was ready.  Fortunately, his wheel fell off during a ride around Bethel and so Rob followed him back home on foot and he's pretty darn amazing!

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