Saturday, June 23, 2012

Noe - 2 years old and growing so much everyday!

We celebrated Noe's 2nd birthday on June 6th.  Just our typical, family birthday party.  He has really started to develop into quite the "Little Man".  In February he had a speech evaluation done and at the time was speaking only about seven words.  Rob and I said then that soon we'd probably be wishing he couldn't talk so much.  I think that is starting to come true (not really, I have enjoyed hearing him talk so much).  Right now his favorite words seem to be "Mine", "I do it!",  "I got it", and "don't touch".  He and Rob like to play the 'my mommy' game and compete for who can get to me first and try to hug me and not let the other one get me.  About a month ago he strung together his first two word sentence - it was "Help Me" and he said it about 100 times that night at his brother's T-ball game while he'd lay in the grass and ask for Alli or I to help him up.  Now "all gone" and "all done" and all of the independent statements above are part of his daily communication.  He also finally is able to call Junior's name - which he says as "Ju-Ju".  Before this he seemed to refer to both of his brothers as Alex.  

Noe also is now running almost everywhere he goes.  And when he does its so cute because he always has one arm tucked up and pumps it like crazy!  He loves to follow his brothers around the house and tries to do everything that they do - climb, jump, etc.  Last Sunday, on Father's Day, all three of the boys came marching through the house in a line - while in their underwear only.  It was more precious than any gift we could've given Rob.  Yesterday at the pool he went from "jumping" off the side into our arms to just leaping right from the side and plunging into the water.  This is great but now I have to keep my eyes on him constantly because he will jump right in!

With a cool present from my Aunt Dawn!
As much as I always wanted a baby Noe has filled this role in my life.  He is a cuddly, precious little guy at times and then can be a big bully and take right up for himself with two older brothers.  As a result he will most likely end up the most rotten (Rob tells me this all of the time).  But I sure am enjoying watching every moment of his development.

Decided this morning that I need a way of keeping track of all of the wonderful things the boys are doing so that one day I can look back and remember all of their funny stories and milestones.  In eight months they've all gone through so many changes and I feel like I will never be able to remember them all.  I find myself wanting to record our daily lives (well, some parts of it) in order to store up all of these memories.

The hold up is thinking whether I really have the time to do this..but if I don't at least try another eight months will go by and I will still only have photos to help jog the memory. it goes.

June 2012...The boys came to live with us eight months ago.  That obviously was a HUGE change for Rob and I both.  Its been filled with many ups and downs (but mostly ups!).  Going from no children to three was quite a schedule adjustment and the learning curve for figuring it all out has been quite large.  When they arrived Alex was 4 1/2, Junior was 2 (33 months), and Noe was 1 (16 months).

Right from the start they called us Mommy and Daddy.  They ate everything in sight and slept like angels.  At first Noe, who was walking and could already feed himself, would basically stand in whatever spot you placed him in and just watch his two brothers in whatever they were doing.  He is probably the biggest reason I want to start this blog.  Because of his age he is the one whose changed the most.  He's gone from basically no vocabulary to in the last few weeks repeating everything he hears and stringing together words.  Matter of fact I think I will do a separate post on him.  (Stay Tuned).

So in eight months there sure are a lot of stories that I may choose to go back and document but basically our life has been a whirlwind and I am just now finding a few brief moments to breathe, reflect, and jot some of the stories down.